Help Instructions


For Intermediate Unit


To view a list of Amish schools by school district, select from the School District drop-down list and click Search.


To view a list of schools by Status (All, Not Started, Started, Submitted, Accepted), select from the Status drop-down list and click Search.


To search for a specific school, enter the Institution name, or first few letters of the name, or the AUN, and click Search.   The display will show the Institution Name, AUN, School District , and Status.


Click on the Institution Name link to go to the School Info tab.


To enter the report for a school and submit to PDE, follow steps For School below.


For Diocese


To view a list of diocesan schools by Status (All, Not Started, Started, Submitted, Accepted, Submitted to Diocese), select from the Status drop-down list and click Search.


To search for a specific school, enter the Institution name, or first few letters of the name, or the AUN, and click Search.  The display will show the Institution Name, AUN and Status.


Click on the Institution Name link to go to the School Info tab.


To enter the report for a school and submit to PDE, or to review a school previously submitted to the diocese, follow steps For School below.


For School


To navigate from tab to tab, click on the tab name, or click the Next or Previous links at the bottom of the page.


  1. School Info tab


In the Name and Address section, enter updates. (An asterisk indicates required information.)


In the Admin Contact Person Section, enter the school administrator's email address and retype to verify.  The confirm field will not accept a copy and paste.  To update the Administrator name, use the link at the top of the section to email changes to PDE.


In the PNPE Contact section, enter updates. Information entered in this section should indicate the person updating the enrollment data for the school.


When complete, click the Save button at the bottom of the screen.


  1. Enrollment tab


Enter the enrollment on October 1 for the grades or levels for which you have registration /License with the Pennsylvania Department of Education. Show separate counts for Residents of PA who pay their own tuition, Residents of PA whose tuition is fully publicly-funded, Nonresidents of PA who pay their own tuition, and Nonresidents of PA whose tuition is fully publicly-funded.

(The Help link gives more information on how to report enrollment).


Note: If the school has zero enrollment on October 1, 2005, click the checkbox. Then click Save. When the Summary Report appears, print a copy for your records by clicking the print button on the Acrobat toolbar.


After you have entered the enrollment for the grades listed, if you want to report enrollment for additional grades, click the checkbox for additional grades. The additional grades will then display. Enter the enrollments. You will have to provide an explanation on the Exceptions tab.


Report the number of students that are from low-income families in the grades K through 12, using the criteria listed on the screen.   


Report the number of students that are from low-income families in Licensed or Accredited Nursery/Preschool, using the criteria listed on the screen.


Click the Save button at the bottom of the screen.


  1. Teachers tab


Enter the number of Part-time Teachers and the number of Full-time Teachers for the grade/ level(s).


Enter the number of full-time equivalent Teachers; do not include aides or assistants. (Whole number and one decimal are acceptable, for example, 0.5, 1, 1.3, 2.8, 7, 10.6.)  (The Help to Calculate FTE link gives more information).


Click the Save button.


  1. Exceptions tab


Enter explanations in the space(s) provided. When complete, click the Save button at the bottom of the screen.


  1. Survey tab


Indicate your participation status by clicking the Yes or No radio button. Then click Save. (Click link of type of service for more information. New participants may click to download forms.)


  1. Summary tab


You must have the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to see the summary report draft which is in PDF format. If you do not have it, you can download it by clicking the Get Acrobat Reader button. If you have it, click the link for Summary Report.


Follow the directions on the screen. Review the draft. To make corrections, click the Edit button to return to previous pages. Then return to the Summary tab.


When your report draft is correct, click the Submit to PDE button.


For diocesan schools: When your report draft is correct, click the Submit to Diocese button.


When the Submit button is clicked, the system will check all of the tabs for discrepancies. If none are found, the Summary Report will appear.


If any discrepancies are found, message(s) will appear in red at the top of the Summary tab. Go to the appropriate tab to respond to the error message(s). Then click Save. Complete any required explanations on the Exceptions tab. Then click Save. Return to the Summary tab, review the draft, and if correct, click the Submit button.


When the Summary Report appears, print a copy for your records by clicking the print button on the Adobe toolbar.


Then click Log off.